So I tried it yesterday:
- sold the 5990 put
- bought the 5980 put
- sold the 6100 call
- bought the 6110 call
This is a '1 standard deviation Iron Condor' ... for which I received $1.79 in one account and $2.00 in another account. The $2.00 credit give a nice round number for calculating the potential rate of returen: Max risk = difference in short and long strikes ($10) - credit received ($2) X 100 = $800. $200 / $800 = 25% return ... in less than 1 day.
But a funny thing happened:

All of these had earnings after the close (just after 1 pm PST), and they all had huge profits, which sent the /NQ (Nasdaq 100) futures on a tear:
If you had looked at this even at 5pm PST Thursday when it was flirting with 6100 and then bought 1 /NQ futures contract to hedge ... you'd have made over $2000 ($20/point), swamping the $800 loss you took on the weekly trade.
Next time, perhaps ... I'll try this again next week, not falling for the fallacy: "well if it's 91.7% winners and we got the loss out of the way the next 9 or 10 in a row should work, right?" I hope so, but the fact is the next trade has the same 8.3% chance of failure as the last one ... not much, but not out of the question.
Anyway, I'm 0 for 1 on these so far: $800 down (actually $804.something with the tiny commissions in Tastyworks ...)
I'll try it again next Thursday and post the results again next weekend.
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