Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Harrumph; first test trade lost but two more in progress

The Trump Rally is hell on a neutral trade like the one I'm testing:

The trade pays off in that broad middle area when the market goes back and forth
in a relatively narrow range, as the graphic above shows. But instead the Trump Rally has been doing more like this:

So the result chart so far is like this (profit/loss is on the amount risked per trade; in this case about $1000, so the loss is $180.)

Trade DateResultProfit/Loss

What goes up, must come down! This can't last and this sort of trade wins 77% of the time ... meaning we should win 8 in a row here sometime soon ...

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Algorithm update: first test trade in progress

I put on the first small trade to test this strategy last Monday, February 6.

The algorithm design is to put on a similar trade every Monday, forever; backtesting shows this works nearly 80% of the time.

So the performance chart is so far like this:

Trade DateResultProfit/Loss

It should show +10% in the Profit/Loss column in another 11 or 12 days.

I will update this whenever I have a result, at very minimum.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Algorithm progress!

Finally I think I have a plan ...

One thing I have learned in reading is that these algorithms tend to stop working over time as more people get in on them. So it isn't in any of our interest for my to disclose all the details.

I can say that it's based on the tried-and-true iron butterfly:

Oops, not that one; this one:

Once again, I'm keeping this vague ... but I'll be ready to start testing this (in a small account of my own) within a week or so. I'll publish all the results here from the first trade onward and will probably do this for 6 months or so before rolling it out to others.

Best of luck to all of us!