And the market bit me on Wednesday; I was short the 2835 call but we had a spike late Wednesday the ran the close up to 2846. It was Trump:
... claiming a deal:
Fortunately the wider "wings" proved their worth; this was only a 16% loss (on the amount at risk) instead of the 100% it would have been if the wings had been 5 or 10 points wide.
I must be a slow learner sometime ...
I was just trying to get a little more credit ... $3.60 (7.8%) instead of $2.40 (5.0%) or so ... That's OK but this is the wrong way to accomplish this.
The SPX is in record high territory, making its volatility (and therefore the credit we get with these trades) very low.
But there are other underlyings; AMZN, TSLA, CMG that could be used on the Monday -> Friday trade at least, possibly on the Friday to Wednesday trade also (closing early) ... Let's look at the returns these give! All of these are current (Sunday afternoon 7/29) prices and are the wiiide .10 put and .08 call spreads, with wings sized proportionally to the SPX 50-point wings
AMZN with 30-point wings gives 2.50 or so, about 9.1%.
CMG with 15-point wings gives 0.85 or so, about 6%.
TSLA with 15-point wings give 1.65 or so, around 12.1%.
So I'm going to use one of these for at least one of the three trades per week while SPX volatility is so washed out, and for the SPX trades I'm going to stick with the .10/.08 deltas, cheap though they may be.
I've generally been ignoring technical analysis, thinking it not useful for what I'm doing and generally that there should be no connection between chart patterns and future prices (other than what chartists inject into the market in "it looks like a head and shoulders top so I should sell!"
But an amazing (or just lucky?) bit of technical analysis this week by a colleague ... He predicted: S&P close around 2845 on Wednesday and a pullback after that ...
Closing price on Wednesday was 2846 ... only after the Trump Deal To Make A Deal announcement late in the trading day ... So what happened? How is TAC (Technical Analyst Colleague) doing this?
- He just got lucky
- He's actually psychic and just uses the chart info the way psychic readers use palmistry or Tarot cards
- There's some deep connection between the charts and underlying reality and the quantum level
Anyway, I'm reading up on the subject to figure this out and will have book reviews later in the week.
Here's the result chart so far:
Expiration | Underlying | Long put | Short put | Short call | Long call | Credit Received | Result |
07/16/2018/ | SPX | 2680 | 2730 | 2810 | 2860 | $3.60 | Won 100% |
07/18/2018/ | SPX | 2700 | 2750 | 2820 | 2870 | $3.95 | Won 100% |
07/20/2018/ | SPX | 2700 | 2750 | 2835 | 2885 | $2.40 | Won 100% |
07/20/2018 (a.m.)/ | NDX | 7260 | 7310 | 7410 | 7460 | $5.99 | Won 100% |
07/25/2018 | SPX | 2705 | 2755 | 2835 | 2885 | $2.40 | lost 16% of amount at risk |
07/27/2018 | SPX | 2695 | 2745 | 2825 | 2875 | $3.50 | Won 100% |
07/30/2018 | SPX | 2720 | 2770 | 2850 | 2900 | $2.60 | Still open |
08/01/2018 | SPX | 2730 | 2780 | 2870 | 2920 | $2.15 | Still open |
Totals: 5 wins, 1 loss (83.3%), 2 still open. More next week ...